Wednesday, June 3, 2020 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Next Wednesday, Andy Volinksy, candidate for Governjor, will be holding a virtual town hall to discuss Education During the Time of COVID-19. He is inviting parents, educators, and anyone interested in ensuring that every child receives an equitable and adequate education during these trying times. Teachers have had to adjust to remote learning while parents now struggle to balance jobs (or job loss) with supervising their children's education. What is in the best interests of our children as NH prepares for the new school year?
Andy will be joined by John Freeman (Superintendent of Pittsfield School District), Robin Vogt (Portsmouth special education paraeducator), and Patricia Barry (Principal of Stevens High School in Claremont).
WHEN: Wednesday, June 3, 6pm-7pm
Click here to join Facebook Live.
Click here to join Zoom Webinar.
Greater Manchester Organizing Meeting with Senator Shaheen
Monday, June 1st at 6:00 PM
Strafford County Organizing Meeting with Senator Shaheen
Monday, June 1st at 6:30 PM
Interested in starting to make calls to voters? Join the campaign’s first day of phone banking on June 3rd! RSVP below to a virtual phone bank for your region:
Keene, Upper Valley, and North Country Phone Bank
Wednesday, June 3rd at 5:30 PM
Rockingham and Strafford County Phone Bank
Wednesday, June 3rd at 5:30
Greater Manchester, Nashua, and Concord Phone Bank
Wednesday, June 3rd at 5:30 PM
Do you have more questions about voting this year? Check out for information about voting in NH in 2020. provides easy and accessible information on how to:
Vote by absentee ballot
Check to see if you’re registered to vote
Register to vote
Stay informed on voting updates and changes, especially in light of the COVID-19 crisis
This website will be updated as the state releases adapted guidelines, and as more resources are available. We know that all of you will work with us to make sure all eligible Granite Staters are able to vote. As all of you are talking with friends, family and community members. We urge you to share this website with them. We also have put together an informational sheet on absentee voting. Please help us promote the website by posting on social media. A few draft posts are included below.