NH House And NH Senate Crossover Constitutional Amendments

CACR 6 and CACR 13 are both proposed amendments to the NH constitution that would effectively freeze in place the state's revenue structure. Specifically, CACR 6 (originated in the Senate) would amend the NH constitution to require a 3/5 supermajority vote of the general court to create or raise taxes or fees, and to borrow money. CACR 13 (originated in the House) would amend the NH constitution to prohibit an income tax. This kind of tax cap imposed by CACR 6 has lead Moody's to downgrade the bond rating of other states. Moody’s is a company that ranks the creditworthiness of borrowers.

The Senate Internal Affairs Committee will be holding a public hearing on CACR 13 Today Wednesday, April 4 in Room 100, State House at 1:10 p.m.