Town Meeting Recap & Photos-TIF District Established

Although the meeting was well attended this year, we didn't have stellar numbers. There was an attempt to fund the fireworks again through the Rec. Dept., instead of townspeople constantly having to raise money to fund them independently, which ultimately failed. The Goodwin Library also tried to retrieve some of the library budget requested by the Trustees not authorized by the Selectmen and Budget committees. Ultimately, that effort failed as well. The petition initiative to keep the holiday lights, in my opinion, had much support, however there was not enough information available for townspeople to fully fund the project as presented. Some seed money was authorized, but a committee has to be formed to look at placement and maintenance issues, as well as determining the best course of action to keep this tradition alive. The articles that remained applicable were passed. Read John Nolan's full article below for all the details.

Town Meeting Recap & Photos-TIF District Established