#NH Primary - September 10th #FarmingtonNH Fred Pitman Write -In


 Hi folks,

I hope you are well and enjoying a great summer. I want to send a quick note with some updates and a Call to Action!. 

Democratic Primary
The Democratic Primary Election is on September 10.  That vote will be important for us.  
Manny will be on the ballot alone.  But we have a write-in candidate, Fred Pitman, who many of you may know.  Fred has agreed to be a write-in, and so we need to spread the word far and wide to write-in Fred Pitman, and vote for Manny in the Democratic Primary.

You may have seen signs that Packy Campbell is running for both parties as a write-in.  If he gets a few Dem votes, he will be on the Ballot in November as a Dem.  So, it is critical that we get Fred Pitman written in for the Primary, so he will be on the ballot with Manny for the November general election.


Please talk to family and friends about this and help us get Fred on the ballot. 
Watch Manny's website (www.Krasner4StateRep.org), our Dems website (www.FarmingtonNHDems,.org), and the Facebook pages for Manny and Farmington Dems for updates and more information.

Mark you Calendars: Vote for Manny and Write-In Fred Pitman on September 10.