#FarmingtonNH Dems February Meeting -Thursday at 6:00 PM Via Zoom

 Hi Fellow Dems,

This is a reminder that we are having our February Meeting this coming Thursday at 6:00 PM via Zoom.
Our scheduled guest is Emmett Soldati, who is running for NHDP Chair. Please plan on attending so you can meet Emmett and ask him any questions you might have.

Farmington Dems Agenda for the Meeting:

  • Check In with Everyone

  • NHDP Chair Elections

  • Town Elections in March

  • Farmington Democratic Committee Caucus

  • Recycling

  • Zoom Account

  • No Racist Granite State

  • NH Ranked Choice Voting

  • NH Committee to Elect House Democrats

  • Any Other Items


Notes and a link for the zoom meeting are in your e-mails. If you are not on the e-mail list and would like to attend the meeting, please e-mail us about your interest at: FarmingtonNHDemocrats@gmail.com


Upcoming Events - Mark your Calendars 

February 11:  Next Meeting of the Farmington Democratic Committee. Guest: Emmett Soldati

February 20:  NHDP Chair Candidates Forum. 10:30 AM virtual meeting.

February 24:  Need to post our Committee caucus and send information to NHDP

March 9:  Town Elections - vote however you can!

March 10: Farmington Town Meeting

March 11: Farmington Democratic Committee Caucus - virtual meeting, details coming soon.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Stay Safe and Healthy,
Stan Freeda