Tuesday, February 11th
New Hampshire Primary
Don't forget to vote!
Old Town Hall(Recreation Dept building)
Polls are open 8AM - 7PM
2020 Dem Primary Sample Ballots
Process for voting and same-day registration:
o Everyone in line by 7:00
p.m. has a right to vote (and register) – remain
in line; even if you finish after 7:00 PM, you will have the right to vote (and register).
o A separate line will
form for those who need to do same-day registration – announce your intent to
register, and make sure you live in the ward where you are registering to vote
(some towns and cities have multiple wards/polling places).
o Even if you did not
bring documentation to register to vote, and even if you did not bring photo ID
to vote, you may still vote, and your
vote will still count.
o Depending on which
documents you did not bring, you will be asked to fill out and sign a sworn
statement, (known as an “affidavit”). If you did not bring a valid photo ID,
your picture will also be taken (unless you have a religious objection).
o “Undeclared” voters have a right to vote in the Democratic Primary by requesting a
Democratic ballot (thus “declaring” as a Democrat for the Election). After
voting, you will have the option to fill out a form,
available at all polling stations, which will immediately change your status back to “undeclared.”
o Ballots are filled out
with pen and paper – fill in the oval next to your preferred presidential
candidate in black ink. If you make a mistake (e.g., you fill out the wrong oval, or made errant marks), you have
the right to request another ballot.
However, if the intent of the voter can be discerned, then the ballot
will count.
Rules against “electioneering”:
o You may not try to
persuade anyone to vote for a particular candidate (including by displaying or
wearing any campaign signs, clothing, stickers, or buttons) inside the polling place building or within a 10-feet wide corridor extending
from the entrance
doors, as determined by local election officials. RSA
659:43. Do not wear any campaign gear to your polling place. If you accidentally wear campaign gear,
you must cover up any campaign clothing (or turn it inside out) while you are
in the “no-electioneering zone,” including while waiting to vote.
o Individual towns will
set rules on where campaign signs may be placed outside of the no-electioneering zone; follow instructions provided
by local town officials.
Observing voting; counting ballots; guardrails:
o Each polling place will
have “guardrails” which prevent anyone from approaching within six feet of the voting booths or
ballot box (where filled-out ballots are placed) unless they are in the process
of voting, or they are an elections official.
o Any person has the right
to observe voting so long as they are outside the guardrails and more than five
feet away from the registration table.
Any registered voter (from that same ward), elections official, or appointed
“challenger” may challenge someone’s right to vote, but the voter may still vote by signing a sworn
“challenged voter affidavit” (similar to voting without photo ID).
o Any member of the public
may observe, from outside the guardrails, the counting of ballots (which takes
place within the guardrails and which must be public).