Trump’s 2020 budget proposal seriously cuts the nation’s safety net-Ahead of 2020, Trump is going after Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and more
Trump’s budget request slashes retirement benefits for 2 million federal workersTrump proposes cutting over $1 billion in global HIV and AIDS funding
Trump’s 2020 Budget Proposal Threatens to Defund Libraries
Trump once again requests deep cuts in U.S. science spending
Trump proposes slashing EPA budget by 31 percent
Trump's budget calls for ending student loan forgiveness program
Trump budget proposes huge cuts to Medicaid and Medicare
Trump releases 2019 budget with $3 trillion in cuts
Trump proposes $4.7 trillion budget with domestic cuts, $8.6 billion in wall funding
For many children, school lunch is the only meal they eat all day. Trump’s budget would cut $1.7 billion from child nutrition and eliminate food assistance for millions—literally taking food out of kids’ mouths.— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) March 12, 2019
This is not humane. This budget isn’t humane. He is not humane.
Trump wants to cut education funding & eliminate the student loan forgiveness program for students. We should be investing more in education, not cutting programs that help students. I promise you, I will fight this.— Jeff Merkley (@JeffMerkley) March 13, 2019