Relearning Our History-African American History Month And Beyond

“This is the place to understand how protest and love of country don’t merely coexist but inform each other, how men can proudly win the gold for their country but still insist on raising a black-gloved fist, how we can wear an ‘I can’t breathe’ T-shirt and still grieve for fallen police officers.” President Barack Obama at the dedication of the new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture


National Museum of African American History and Culture

First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin, Cheddar Man DNA analysis reveals
An entire Manhattan village owned by black people was destroyed to build Central Park
Why we're fighting for MLK's final cause 
The 'Green Book' Was a Travel Guide Just for Black Motorists
When Wakanda Was Real
Black History Month: 5 African-American Entrepreneurs
Which Slave Sailed Himself to Freedom?

Today Is Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday—and a Good Time to Remind You He Did Not Free the Slaves
Frederick Douglass’ 200th Birthday Invites Remembrance and Reflection 
Six Books Non-Black People Should Read in 2018

Black History Month: 5 African-American Entrepreneurs
The Black Panthers and the Rise of Revolutionary Culture