Upcoming Tri Town Democratic Committee Meetings Feb 12th And March 12th

Tri Town Democratic Committee Meeting: February 12

Thursday, February 12, at 7:00 PM at the Emma Ramsey Center in Milton. This will be a New Durham Run Meeting. Agenda will be forthcoming.

Upcoming Tri Town Democratic Committee Meeting: March 12

Thursday, March 12, at 7:00 PM at the Emma Ramsey Center in Milton.
Representative Jackie Cilley (D, Barrington) will be speaking with us. Jackie is a former candidate for Governor and, as a Representative, is sponsoring a bill to increase the minimum wage in New Hampshire. Jackie is a dynamic and inspirational individual who has visited our committee many times in the past, and will be talking with us about the current Legislative Session.

  • Representative Jackie Cilley will talk about politics in the NH State House.
  • Farmington Town Committee Caucus
  • Milton Town Committee Caucus
  • New Durham Town Committee Caucus
  • Tri Town Town Committee Meeting