Cataldo Attended Diploma Mill "University" for his "Degree"

Sam Cataldo (R-Farmington)
In State Senate District 6 (Alton, Barnstead, Farmington, Gilmanton, New Durham, and Rochester) the Republican candidate is the incumbent Sam Cataldo. Foster's reports Mr. Cataldo got his degree in Nuclear Engineering for LaSalle University Louisiana, and then worked at Vermont Yankee and Pilgrim nuclear power plants. Wikipedia, among others, lists LaSalle University in Mandeville, Louisiana, as a diploma mill shut down by the federal government. At such diploma mills, degrees could be purchased for as little as $5,000.00 with no work required.  Foster's, typically, has endorsed Mr. Cataldo for reelection.  The comments section of a Foster's article from the 2012 race brings up these concerns.

There is also a reputable LaSalle University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  If you check their available programs, you will come across evidence that they never offered a nuclear engineering degree and don't have any program that even mirrors that. Furthermore, Senator Cataldo is quoted in multiple articles, primarily in Foster's Daily Democrat, as claiming he went to the LaSalle in Mandville, LA.  Sam claims to have received the degree in 1995 before working at Seabrook. So why would Foster's support this man for Senate.

And more importantly, why should any of his constituents?

William Tucker has more about this in his recent post on Miscellany:blue.

Please vote for Rich Leonard in the upcoming election for Senate District #6.

Links on the Web

Sen. Sam Cataldo obtained Masters degree in Nuclear Engineering from notorious degree mill on Miscellany:blue

James Kirk diploma mills on Wikipedia

Diploma Mill Police: LaSalle University (LA) Distance Learning Accreditation Report on Get Educated

LaSalle University (Mandeville) Chronology

Cataldo for District 6 Senate Seat article Comments in Foster's Daily Democrat

State Senate District 6 Republican primary race pits Green against Cataldo in Foster's Daily Democrat

Senator Sam Cataldo (R-Farmington) on NH General Court Site 

La Salle University (Philadelphia)

Image Credits:
Farmington Democratic Committee website.