Letter To The Editor: COAST-Bus Is A Vital Link

Thursday, February 20, 2014
Bus is a vital link
To the Editor:

The funding for our Number 6 COAST bus, running from Farmington to Rochester, is to be cut unless people protest and vote at the Wednesday, March 12 town meeting being held in the Town Hall at 7 p.m.

This bus is the only transportation that Farmington people have to get to work or food or doctors. I am in a wheelchair and don’t walk, and this bus gets me to doctors and appointments I would otherwise be unable to get to. The buses have a lift that makes it possible for me to get my prescriptions, food and other necessary items for life. It is my way out of my home.

Also if people who use it for work are unable to get there, the town will be paying them welfare to live. How will that be saving money? Please help us save our buses. COAST bus is a non profit organization, so the town’s objections that they raised their rates should not be a valid argument. The funding is also met with a matching amount from the government to help those of us that are old, crippled and poor, or just without wheels.

Please help our plea. We are in need of our buses

Heather E. Branch
