Casino Legislation On The Horizon

What you Need to Know

HB 1633 introduced by Rep. Richard Ames will by heard by the House Ways and Means Committee, Feb. 6 at 9 a.m. in Room 202 of the Legislative Office Building . Co-sponsors are Rep. Weber and Sen. Rausch. This is the bill that establishes a casino regulatory structure and authorizes a casino in Salem. This bill will decide the issue this session. It is crucial that you urge your State Representative to vote against it. Regulation doesn't make a bad idea better. No state stops at one casino.

Other gambling bills introduced:
SB 366, D'Allesandro - legalizing casino gambling and authorizing 2 casinos

HB1626, Vaillancourt - establishes 6 gambling establishments
HB1127, Hatch, Schmidt - sets $50,000 gambling operator license fee

HB1627, Long, Rollo, Elliott, Ober, Pantelakos, Azarian, Weyler, Hinch,Spratt, Campbell - legalizes video lottery and table gaming

HB1628, Sullivan, Sapareto - establishes 6 gambling establishments and an oversight commission