- Small business: President Obama has consistently fought to
help small businesses grow by cutting taxes and making it easier for
them to invest and create jobs. As fact checkers and news organizations
have noted, Romney took the President’s words out of context in an
attempt to imply that the President was somehow insulting small business
owners—rather than discussing the investments that help them grow. Take
a look at what the President actually said
and learn more about the stark contrast between President Obama’s
support for small businesses and Mitt Romney’s plan that would make it
harder for small businesses to hire and grow.
- Medicare: Under Obamacare, seniors will see their Medicare
benefits package improve while the program sees eight additional years
of solvency. But Romney, who wants to turn Medicare into a voucher
system, is claiming that the President cut billions from benefits. The
categorically false attack cannot hide the fact that Romney and Ryan
would force new retirees to pay more out of pocket for services. Click here to learn more about this attack.
- Welfare: President Obama is a strong supporter of welfare-to-work
programs and recently gave states flexibility to help move more people
from assistance to employment as quickly as possible—a policy that many
Republican governors, including Romney himself, have requested. But
Romney has decided to falsely claim that the President has somehow
weakened welfare-to-work requirements—an allegation a multitude of
independent fact checkers declared “discredited,” “mind-boggling,” and
“blatantly false.” Click here to learn more about this attack.
- Health care: President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act to
make sure insurance companies play by the rules. In his quest to
overturn Obamacare on day one if elected, Romney has launched a myriad
of false statements and distortions about the health care law. Here are
the facts: Obamacare improves the private health care system,
strengthens the insurance plan you currently have, reduces the deficit,
and offers the largest middle-class tax cut for health care in history. Click here to see what is fact and what is fiction when it comes to health care.
- Birtherism: Even after President Obama released his long-form
birth certificate to reaffirm his birthplace, conspiracy theorists and
members of the Republican Party continue to to push this false and
dangerous attack. Not only have a number of them
been invited to speak at the RNC convention, Romney actually enlisted
himself in this birther movement last week: “No one’s ever asked to see
my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born
and raised,” he said. Click here to get the facts and pitch in what you can to make sure this kind of politics doesn’t make it to the White House.
Republished from Obama Truth Team
GOP Lies- A Cheat Sheet
Monday, August 27, 2012
Affordable Care Act,
job creation,
President Obama,
small business,