Rich Leonard Candidate For NH Senate District 6 Launches Website

Rich Leonard the Democratic candidate for NH Senate Dsitrict 6 has launched his new campaign site and Facebook page. Rich's district covers Alton, Barnstead, Farmington, Gilmanton, New Durham, and Rochester.  He is running against Republicans Sam Cataldo and Peter Bolster. In his opening post Rich talks about what issues he would like to focus on:

"I’m very concerned about the current extremist legislature's  attack on education in New Hampshire.  The Republican majority have consistently attempted to dismantle public schools, repeal kindergarten, eliminate compulsory education entirely, and divert our public tax dollars to private schools.  I oppose instituting Sales Taxes and/or Income Taxes. When elected as your Senator in District #6, I want to work towards reversing bad decisions made during this past legislature session.  I want to end the tax breaks and giveaways to big tobacco, corporate tax evaders and private schools. We also need to start to plan for revenue growth in this state and continue to assess the needs of our citizens, businesses, and environment, and develop solid, purposeful legislation that meets those needs."  
Rich Leonard

Please stop by his site and add him to you link lists. You can make donations via his campaign ActBlue account. Don't forget to like him on Facebook!