Rochester Creates: Portraits- A Community Art Portrait Project

This past Saturday a community portrait sculpture, made up of panels from almost 500 area residents and artists was assembled in the main square in downtown Rochester. The sculpture was put together by fellow members of Art Esprit(many of the Farmington Dems are members) as part of the "Rochester Creates: Portraits," a community art project aimed at getting the people of Rochester and the surrounding satellite towns to express what they see in themselves and those around them through portraiture.

We had a really great day weather wise and all of us felt such a rush as the sculpture came together. Below is the local media story about the install and below are some photos I took. By the end I had taken 140 photos and about 120 vids of the event as the sculpture came together. I have much uploading and editing to do! The sculpture stays up until October 23rd, so if you are in Rochester, take the time to stop by the central square, downtown, and take a look for yourself. Enjoy!


Steph did a post about it as well.Follow the link below to see what she had to say about it.