ISTE Asks You To Act Now-Tweet and E-mail For Ed Tech

Ed tech needs good teachers, and teachers need good ed tech!

Yet the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to eliminate all direct funding for educational technology in the current budget negotiations. The U.S. Senate has not yet acted, so there is still time to influence the final outcome.

It has never been more urgent to make our voices heard in support of the direct, dedicated funding for educational technology and professional learning that strengthens good teaching and student success.

You can take TWO easy ACTIONS right NOW.

Tweet in support of educational technology
1.     Go to
2.     Scroll down and enter your zip code on the left
3.     View the list of names of your congressional delegation who are on Twitter
4.     Go to Twitter and tweet to the policymakers; be sure to include your city and state so they know you are a constituent
Sample tweet: @SenatorHarkin, from Des Moines: Fund ed tech at $100m for 21st century learning & student success
E-mail in support of educational technology
2.     Type your zip code into the upper right hand box and click go
3.     Scroll down and read the letter; add your own thoughts to make it more personal
4.     enter your contact information and click send
Please take both of these actions as not all members of Congress use Twitter. For those who do tweet, it's important that they hear from constituents via multiple communications channels.