Hope Springs Eternal!
The Rollinsford Democrats will be having their 4th annual plant sale* on Saturday, May 12, 9am - 1pm, 380 Rollins Road, Rollinsford.
Support us by:
Providing plants
(perennials, annuals, herbs, house) for the sale. Potted plants may be
dropped off anytime at Salme Perry's at 380 Rollins Road during the week
prior to the sale, May 5th through May 11th.
Advertising the sale - tell your friends and neighbors. If you have a bulletin board available, we’ll be happy to provide a flyer for posting.
Buying plants on Saturday, May 12th. There are always some very interesting plants. This year’s feature is eucalyptus.
*All proceeds are used to help elect Democrats at the local and state level
and to benefit our community.
Lorraine Hansen
Vice Chair, Rollinsford Democats