Save The Date- NHDP MidTerm Convention-Sat Sept 16th

Please save the date for the 2017 NHDP Midterm Convention on Saturday, September 16, 2017.

According to the NHDP Constitution, Chapter 8 Amending the Constitution:

A. Any registered New Hampshire Democrat may submit amendments to the Constitution in writing to the Rules Committee, at least ninety (90) days prior to the Midterm Convention or the State Convention if a Midterm Convention was not held in the previous odd-numbered year. Any and all amendments must be submitted to the Rules Committee for its recommendation to the Party.

To review the NHDP Constitution, please click here.

To submit changes to the Rules Committee, please email those proposed amendments to no later than 11:59 PM on Sunday June 18.

More details to come, including trainings offered, location, timing, etc- check back the NHDP website for more information as it becomes available.