Update:Incoming storm Stella has caused Farmington NH Town Voting and Town
Meeting to be postponed to March 28th & 29th http://bit.ly/2lU37gU
Farmington School Custodians, AFT Local #6212
Please vote YES on Warrant Articles #4 and #5.
A three-year contract.
Farmington Teacher's Association
Please vote YES on Article 6
to predicted inclement weather, the Town Moderator has postponed Town
Voting to Tuesday March 28, 2017 8:00AM-7:00PM and Town Meeting to
Wednesday, March 29, 2017 , 7:00PM. Postponing for two weeks allows for
more absentee ballot requests and to fix a procedural issue on the
Absentee ballots will be available up until Monday, March 27, 2017.
Please call the Town clerks office at 603-755-3657 for any questions or concerns.
Farmington School Custodians, AFT Local #6212
Please vote YES on Warrant Articles #4 and #5.
A three-year contract.
Farmington Teacher's Association
Please vote YES on Article 6