Take a moment and tell your U.S. Senator you support ed tech today!
For the first time in many years, real momentum is building to provide federal dollars for educational technology. President Obama has requested that Congress provide $200 million in FY 2015 for technology professional learning. ISTE has been leading the effort inside the Beltway to make his funding recommendation a reality, and it's working! Twenty-six members of the House of Representatives have signed a letter supporting the request, and House and Senate appropriators are actively considering it.
Now is the time to make your voice heard! Tell your U.S. senators that you support investing in educational technology today. Senators are expected to begin consideration of the spending bill that funds education programs in June, so there is no time to waste.
Send a letter to your U.S. senators encouraging them to fund educational technology for FY 2015. Make your letter personal by telling your own digital learning story and explaining why technology infrastructure — including devices, equipment, software and connectivity — and professional learning support is critical to you and your students' success.
Make your case and urge your senators to invest in ed tech at a minimum of $200 million in FY 2015. Together our voices carry!
Take action