Save The Date! Farmington NH Democrats Inaugural Ball 1-20-2013, 6-9 PM

 Save The Date!
Farmington NH Democrats 
Inaugural Ball 
1-20-2013, 6-9 PM

Reserve your tickets in advance by completing the form. Tickets are $10.00 per person at the door, but only $8.00 per person if you reserve them in advance. Special Donor Sponsorship Tickets for the event are available. Must order in advance and have order in by January 10, 2012. Select the option you like when asked below. You will be contacted via email to provide the details you'd like us to include.

Name/Logo in the program: add $5.00
Name/Logo posted in the program and also posted on the website event page: add $10.00
Name/Logo in the program, on the website event page, and in the credits of the event video: add $15.00

Complete the form, then mail your check, payable to the Farmington NH Democratic Committee to Krasner Law Office, PO Box 637, Farmington, NH 03835. 
You can also indicate that you will bring your check with you and pay at the door. We will email you a confirmation and tell you your ticket number. Your tickets will be waiting for you at the door.
 If you have any questions, please contact us at