Rich Leonard shines, Sam Cataldo whines in Rochester Senate District 6 Debate

Senate 6 Candidate's Debate in Rochester

The Rochester Chamber of Commerce hosted a State Senate District 6 Candidates' Forum at the Rochester City Council Chambers to give the public an opportunity to hear from the candidates seeking election to the State Senate District 6 seat.  Sponsored by Eastern Propane & Oil, a panel of media reporters that included John Nolan of the Rochester Times,  asked questions of State Senator candidate Richard Leonard (New Durham) and State Senate candidate Sam Cataldo (Farmington). This forum was televised on MetroCast's community Channel 12 live and is being re-broadcast prior to Election Day-November 6th, courtesy of MetroCast.

Rich answers the tough questions with thoughtful substance and an open mind, indicating the strong moral character and support for the middle class and working families that is intrinsic in his nature.  Cataldo's answers are the brief, generic, soundbite answers that have become common place with Koch fueled Tea Party candidates.  It is unclear what Cataldo would do if elected, as he has no real answers to solve the problems we face.  However, it is clear what he would undo.  Rather than work hard to strengthen our economy and rebuilt the infrastructure that was laid waste after years of neglect,  Tea Party candidates like Cataldo, would undo all the progress we have made over the last four years in New Hampshire.  While this is Rich's first run at politics, Cataldo has a voting record that can be checked.  Those interested in understanding exactly what Cataldo would represent, if elected to the Senate should view his voting record in the NH House of Representatives.

The forum was recorded by the Digital and Social Media Coordinator of the Farmington Democratic Committee and the debate is available here in its entirely, courtesy of the Farmington Democrats.

Links on the Web

KyleRKLNH You Tube Channel Local Mix Playlist

District 6 Sente Candidate's Speak at Rochester City Hall on the Farmington NH Democrats

Sam Cataldo's Voting Record  NH General Court

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