We need your help to protect marriage equality in New Hampshire!
just in from Concord: this Wednesday, the New Hampshire House is
scheduled to vote on the bill that would repeal the freedom to marry for
same-sex couples in the Granite State (HB 437).
Now, marriage supporters like you have just one day to send the message loud and clear to your State Representatives: taking away freedoms is NOT the New Hampshire way.
now and Wednesday, we're joining with Standing Up for New Hampshire
Families to show state legislators the strength of the grassroots
movement to defend marriage equality in New Hampshire, and we need your
help. 62% of Granite Staters support marriage for gay and lesbian
couples. We've set a goal of generating 6,200 messages from New
Hampshire voters asking their Representatives to oppose HB 437 by
Wednesday morning.
Will you be one of the 6,200+ supporters who are defending marriage equality in New Hampshire this week? Take action now.
of marriage equality, led by the anti-gay National Organization for
Marriage (NOM), have fully ramped up their scare tactic campaign -
complete with deceiving mailers, bogus ads, robocalls, and well-funded
lobbyists in Concord who are spreading lies about same-sex couples and
their families.
and I know what's really at stake here: loving and committed couples
who just want to protect their families in the state they call home.
Over 1,800 couples have married in New Hampshire since marriage equality
became law in 2009. And now we only have less than three days
to ensure that your State Representatives see through NOM's propaganda
and oppose this harmful bill.
6,200 messages to Concord will let undecided Representatives know that
if they do the right thing and vote NO on HB 437, their constituents
will have their back.
this attack on New Hampshire families won't be easy, but with thousands
of supporters like you taking action today, we can stop NOM in their
Thanks for taking action,
Mary Rouse
National Field Director
National Field Director
Wednesday's vote is just the first crucial step; after the House votes,
the bill will move to the Senate. Governor Lynch has already promised
to veto this anti-family legislation, which means it's essential that we
get enough votes to sustain his veto in the House and Senate. Contact your representative today!