HB 370-Eliminating Protections From Anti-bullying Law

Next Tuesday, the Senate Education Committee of the New Hampshire legislature may recommend eliminating specific protections from an anti-bullying law that that keeps students safe in our schools. This bill (HB 370) will abolish clear language to protect students based on specific categories, including: race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, socioeconomic status, ethnicity and learning disabilities.  

Please attend the Senate hearing for HB 370 on Tuesday April 19 at 1:00 p.m. at The Legislative Office Building in Concord, room 305. Personal testimony is the most effective, so please come and share your story!  Tell the committee how all students need to feel safe at school so they can grow and learn.  

Please help us say NO to hostile school environments for all students by attending the hearing and saying NO to HB 370.

Senate Education Committee Hearing on HB 370
Tuesday April 19 | 1:00 p.m.
The Legislative Office Building in Concord, room 305RSVP to Katie: katherine.drapcho@hrc.org or 202-716-1650

For more information, or to RSVP for the committee hearing in Concord, please contact Katie at katherine.drapcho@hrc.org or (202) 716-1650.