Rally For New Hampshire-Today,Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 12:00-1PM

"Between the Governor's proposed cuts and the proposed cuts by the NH House, we as citizens of NH are in serious danger of losing our safety net. Some of the hardest hit are those people who are the most vulnerable; the disabled, people who experience mental health issues, children and the homeless just to name a few. Please join us in a rally to restore NH's budget." -Rally For New Hampshire

So far there are over 900 people planning on attending the event. Please spread the word! Go to the NH Cares website to get information about facilities, transportation, parking, signs, etc. Don't forget if you can't be there you can still let you representatives know how you feel by calling or e-mailing them. You can contact Sarah Aiken saiken@csni.org for questions or to register for the rally.

Rally For New Hampshire

Thursday, March 31, 2011
State House Plaza
107 N. Main St.
Concord , NH 03301
For More Information:
